THE X-CAST continues with Carl Sweeney investigating brand new The X-Files audio drama from Audible, Cold Cases...
Set after the events of The X-Files: I Want to Believe and providing additional backstory to the incidents that pulled Mulder and Scully out of reclusion prior to 2016's miniseries revival, a database breach at FBI headquarters allows an unknown group to access and capitalize on those investigations left unsolved - dubbed cold cases - by the secret department once known as The X-Files. As friends and foes of the agency long thought gone begin to inexplicably reappear, former agents Mulder and Scully come out of anonymity to face a growing conspiracy that involves not only their former department but the US government and forces not of this world.
Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, find your "I Want to Believe" poster. Break out that makeshift alien stiletto. Grab a pack of Morley cigarettes.
The truth is out there. You just have to listen.
Joined for the first time by Kimon Keramidas, founder of Eat the Corn, Carl explores this brand new X-Files venture into the audiobook realm, based on Joe Harris' Season 10 comic book run.
Plus, Kimon answers the 5 Questions of X.
Listen to find out more, just remember... trustno1...
Next time on The X-Cast... another Roundtable of X-Phile podcasters discuss predictions and theories about the upcoming Season 11...
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