THE X-CAST continues with host Tony Black investigating Season 2 Episode 14, 'Die Hand Die Verletzt'...
In the town of Milford Haven, Massachusetts, following the ritualistic murder of a teenager, Mulder and Scully arrive to investigate and discover a town riven with legend, hysteria, and belief in occult conspiracy. As they seek to understand why the boy was murdered, the PTA group at the local school attempt to conceal the Satanic worship they begin to fear may have summoned a darker force than any of them anticipated...
Joined for the first time this season by Wayne Talbot, artist and co-presenter of The Irish Pubcast, Tony explores the last episode of S2 by Morgan & Wong, and the first ever directorial effort from the late, great Kim Manners.
On request, Wayne also takes on the X-Quiz - can he beat his previous two scores?
Listen to find out more, just remember... trustno1...
In the town of Milford Haven, Massachusetts, following the ritualistic murder of a teenager, Mulder and Scully arrive to investigate and discover a town riven with legend, hysteria, and belief in occult conspiracy. As they seek to understand why the boy was murdered, the PTA group at the local school attempt to conceal the Satanic worship they begin to fear may have summoned a darker force than any of them anticipated...
Joined for the first time this season by Wayne Talbot, artist and co-presenter of The Irish Pubcast, Tony explores the last episode of S2 by Morgan & Wong, and the first ever directorial effort from the late, great Kim Manners.
On request, Wayne also takes on the X-Quiz - can he beat his previous two scores?
Listen to find out more, just remember... trustno1...
Listen/Download here:
Next time on The X-Cast... join Tony and his guest, The X-Files Secret Agendas co-writer Jim Beard, to talk Season 2's Fresh Bones...
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